Common Symptoms Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition that can be very painful. The condition is not completely understood, and it is possible for a doctor to not immediately properly diagnose the disease since it can be confused with other conditions. While hidradenitis suppurativa does not have a cure, there are treatment options to help alleviate the pain. Some of the common symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa include: Appearance of Blackheads Hidradenitis suppurativa has several stages; a person may eventually progress to the worst stage or stay in the beginning stages of the disease. [Read More]

Consider Botox Injections When You're Worried About Your Facial Wrinkles

If you're getting concerned about the appearance of wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes, it might be time to consider Botox injections. Botox reduces wrinkles by completely relaxing the muscles that it is injected into. It is typically used for crow's feet as well as lines and furrows on the forehead. Here is some more information on how it works and what you can expect when you get Botox injections. [Read More]

Why You Need To Keep The Incision Site Dry After You Have A Mole Removed

Having a mole removed doesn't have to involve stitches. But whether you have an area shaved off or cut out, you have to keep the incision site dry for a short time after the surgery. This time can last up to a few days, and that can present a problem for people dealing with bathing after having a mole removed from inconvenient spots. Rather than assuming that a little water might not hurt the spot, you should do what you can to keep the site protected from water. [Read More]

Three Skin Cancer Treatments Your Doctor Might Recommend

Once you find out that you've gotten skin cancer, you are likely to want some kind of treatment immediately so that it doesn't spread. There are different procedures that can be done; your doctor is probably going to describe a number of options to rid your skin of cancer cells. The three treatments that are described below may help you. Excision Procedure The simplest way to get rid of the problematic cells causing your cancer is simply to cut them out. [Read More]