5 Do's And Don'ts For Controlling Teenage Acne
If your teenage child has experienced frequent acne flareups, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a skin doctor. A dermatologist can recommend a treatment plan that is most suitable. Whether using over-the-counter medications or prescribed treatments, there are other measures you can take to help maintain a clear complexion and prevent future flare-ups. Follow these do's and don'ts to help control your a child's teenage acne.
1. DO Keep Cosmetic Implements Clean and Sanitary
This measure is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of preventing acne flare-ups. Fortunately, it's a measure that is simple to follow. If your teenage daughter has acne-prone skin, have a closer look at the makeup brushes and implements she uses regularly.
For sanitary reasons, these tools should be stored in a case that helps prevent dirt and dust from accumulating on them. Also, cleaning them in a warm soapy solution after each use may help prohibit bacterial growth on cosmetic implements. By the same token, teenagers should not go to sleep without removing makeup entirely, as failing to do so may clog the pores and cause a break out.
2. DON'T Pick at Pimples or Pop Them
Teenagers looking for a "quick fix" to their break outs may be tempted to pop pimples or squeeze them. Doing so will make matters worse by risking infection from contamination or by risking permanent scars. In addition, the bacteria from a popped pimple may lead to a further eruption of acne. If your dermatologist feels a pimple needs to be "popped", he or she will do so under sanitary measures. This lancing technique is performed using sterilized equipment to minimize the risk of infection. After lancing the blemish, a comedone extractor may be used to remove the remaining fluids or pus.
3. DO Exfoliate the Skin Routinely
Clogged pores often lead to acne breakouts and exfoliation is a way to keep this from occurring. There are several ways to exfoliate the skin in a safe manner, including the use of exfoliating creams and homemade treatments. Your dermatologist may recommend or prescribe exfoliating creams for your teenager, or you may whip up your own from ingredients you may have at home.
The use of aloe vera gel (either as a scrub or facial mask) is a good way to exfoliate and detoxify the skin naturally. It is also very cooling and soothing to irritated skin. You may use the gel from a freshly cut aloe leaf or purchase aloe in gel form at a natural or organic store. If you use the pre-packaged gel, be sure it contains 100 percent aloe and no harsh additives that may cause further irritation or inflammation.
4. DON'T Stress (Or At Least, Help Minimize the Effects)
These days, many teenagers are under stress, often from the rigors of schoolwork and from peer pressure.You should note that stress may affect the body negatively, including worsening a case of acne. While your teenage son or daughter may not be able to eliminate stress entirely, there are ways to minimize the effects. Adequate sleep and a healthy diet may help provide the fuel it takes to combat everyday stress.
5. DO Stay Hydrated
While drinking plenty of water is a good idea for overall health, it is especially helpful for acne-prone teenage skin. Encourage your teenager to skip the sugary soft drinks and opt for water throughout the day. This will help flush toxins from the body that often contribute to poor skin. At the same time, discourage your teenager from consuming alcoholic beverages, which tend to have a dehydrating effect.
Lastly, if your teenager experiences a skin infection, reaction to medications, discoloration or bleeding, consult with a dermatologist at once. Contact a company like Dermatology Surgery Center for more information.